Strolling Amok

Pops goes on tour.

Reminder of Interruption

sample image from Despair, Inc.

Sample image from Despair, Inc.

This just to remind the three of you that Strolling Amok will have no new posts for awhile, and as of now, I will not be able to respond to comments, either. If you have subscribed to Strolling Amok, you’ll be the first to know when you can once again resume wasting your life away reading inane and pointless drivel.

By the way, the above poster is meant to be sarcastic, but I take its message seriously. There’s far too much cultural emphasis today toward “unless you can excel at what you do, don’t bother even trying”. I’m for people doing things that they enjoy, regardless of the level of accomplishment reached. Should you do what you enjoy for the sake of getting the approval of others, then you’re bound for disappointment. If you’re in it because it pleases you in the doing, then you have a lot of enjoyment ahead of you. Go for it.

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